Thursday, June 8, 2023

Noom Check-in #2

I have been using Noom for almost 4 months and am still loving it, yay!

To talk about numbers, I've lost just over 20 pounds, which is 2/3 of my goal!! I am lower than I was when I got pregnant with Paige, which is a number I haven't seen since I got pregnant and has been a huge milestone for me!

What I like about Noom:
  • Tracking food is super easy - this has always been the hardest part for me, and if I am frustrated with tracking food, I quit and go back to my old ways. Noom makes it so easy to track food that I am never frustrated!!
  • I enjoy the daily articles and am learning a lot - some articles are better than others, but I love that there is a purpose to this and it is WORKING to help me understand why we eat the way we do, make certain choices, etc. AND how to get smarter!
  • The coins as motivation - these coins literally mean nothing yet I get so excited to earn my coin every day. And I totally get that there is psychology behind the coins and I am the perfect target for this!
Psychology at its finest!

What I don't like about Noom:
  • Daily weighing - I'm still not totally sold on weighing every day. I do it {gotta earn that coin}, but when I see fluctuations that don't make sense, it can frustrate me. I am learning to have a better attitude about those fluctuations and I do agree that I have zero anxiety now about weighing. I do it, put the number in my app, and move on. BUT I think in the long-term I probably won't do this.
My non-scale victories remain largely the same: clothes fit that haven't in a long time, I can see the change in my face, wedding rings fit easily, getting back on track is easier after a treat day, etc.

All in all, I don't want to get too cocky about what I've achieved, but I'm really proud of myself! Next steps - lose the last of this weight and MAINTAIN by practicing healthy habits!!

No double chin, yay!


Kathryn Bagley said...

You look amazing..I can see the change and am so happy you found something that works!