Monday, April 28, 2014


This weekend I made the executive decision to NOT work. I didn't pull my laptop out of its case until 10:30 on Sunday night, and that was mainly to submit my timesheet. IT.WAS.GLORIOUS.

For some reason, I pretty much was unplugged most of the weekend. I don't consider myself to be a social media junkie {Brent, be quiet.} - Of course, I LOVE blogging, but I will only look at Facebook and Instagram a few times a day. Lately, though, it felt like I had to make sure I was totally caught up. Constantly refreshing. Checking notifications. Liking pictures and status updates. 

This weekend I maybe spent a TOTAL of 10 minutes combined on both apps. I felt so relaxed. It was wonderful. I didn't care if I wasn't caught up. I didn't care that I might miss an 'important' update. I want to feel like that more. I think because I'm on my computer SO much, it makes me feel like I need to be connected all the time. Yuck.

I also turned the TV on for maybe 10 minutes. When the kids were napping/sleeping and I WASN'T working...I read books! I spent time with my husband! I slept!

All in all, it felt great to be mostly unplugged.

What do you think about social media? Do you use it or abuse it?


the blogivers said...

You go, girl! I definitely abuse social media. I have always been bad about that, but I have gotten worse since becoming a stay-at-home mom... it is this sad escape from reality when I'm bored with entertaining the kids or losing my mind or what have you. I need to do a better job of just putting the phone away, but man, it's hard!

Kathryn Bagley said...

Yay for you!! I deactivated FB for about 2 months and it was hard at first but then I didn't care what I was missing. Unfortunately I'm back on now :/ But I think it's good to have a technology detox every now and then!