Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grow Baby Grow - 18 months

Trent turned 18 months old on 12/30/10.  We are having so much fun with him (which I know I say every time I talk about him).  But since this is just as much for me as it is for anyone reading, deal with it.  {grin}

Weight - 24 lbs., 11 ozs. {back up to 25-50%!!!}
Height - 32 1/2" {50%}
Head - 47 1/2 cm {25-50%}

Nothing like eating your eggs while sitting on a pizza pan, right?

And the best spot to put down your head?  Why - inside a cabinet of course!

So what is our little turkey up to these days?
-Running everywhere!
-Talking!!  (I am keeping a list, and he says over 60 words.)  He still signs a lot too, and my favorite is when he does the sign for cracker (knocking your elbow) and says it 'quacker' - too cute!  He's starting to mimick us too a lot.
-He loves reading books.
-His favorite toy is still his mower, but he likes the vacuum he got for Christmas.  He randomly loves to push trash cans through the house and he's starting to play pretend - he wants to 'cook', he puts on make-up, and he loves empty Tide boxes to use the scoop.
-He is very attached to his pacifier and blanket (both in the 2nd picture) and calls them his 'night night' (pacifier) and 'baby' (blanket).  He named both, which we find hilarious.
-He still hates being dropped off at school and has started screaming 'Mama' when I leave (I won't lie...I cried yesterday when I left).
-He can do a lot of animal sounds (dog, cat, horse, cow, duck, chicken, sheep, guinea, turkey, bunny - 'hop!', pig, squirrel) - so stinkin' cute.
-He can understand us and follow commands occasionally (awesome).
-He loves to dance and turns circles (hokey pokey), he loves to do Ring Around the Rosey.
-Tantrums when he doesn't get his way!  Pulling hair and banging his head on the floor/wall/anything.
-He wants to be outside ALL the time.
-He wants to feed himself but isn't very good at it yet.  Still not crazy about fruits or vegetables, but I'm figuring out how to sneak them into his food.  Would eat crackers and goldfish all day long.
-He is Mr. Nosy - wants to be in your business and doing everything with you.
-Has 16 teeth, likes to brush his teeth (or really eat the toothpaste).
-Loves to flush the toilet! 


Jaclyn said...

So cute! Jacob is obsessed with Pizza pans too. He likes to stand on them.

Kelly said...

Oh sweet Trent!

A Real Housewife said...

wow, i can't believe he can say 60 words!! where did you learn about baby sign language and how early can you start that?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's 18 months already!! He's such a cutie and I love that he pretends to put on makeup - he just loves his mommy! :)


Dena said...

And...trent has his momma wrapped around his it should be!

plauschinat said...

He is adorable...I love the monkey pj's. And 60 words sounds like a ton for his age!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the guinea sound. Best noise I've ever heard. - Brent