Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When You Let Your Baby 'Run' Around Naked...

...you're bound to have some accidents. Trent has peed on our carpet more times than I can count. But we're planning on pulling it up soon, so I didn't really care too much. Well, we finally had a BIG accident.

We went out to eat Friday night with our friends, Ryan, Rhonda and Macey. We were out late for Trent, so when we got home I was rushing to get him into bed. I got his diaper off and of course, he flipped and was off to the races. Then 'it' happened...on the floor... I grabbed Trent to keep him out of his mess, and then 'it' happened on my arm...and then the floor again...twice... I just started laughing because really what else can you do? At first, Brent didn't want to help me because he says it's my fault since I don't put clothes on him. I quickly pointed out that we needed to keep our son out of the mess, so he helped me get the baby to the bathroom. 'It' happened down my shirt and then in the bathtub...several more times. It took us forever to get Trent cleaned and into pajamas. But such a memorable moment. I decided {against my urges} to not take any pictures...I'm sure that makes all my readers happy!


A Real Housewife said...

i am DYING laughing!!! Aaron is practically throwing up....

Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!! And I am with you...let that boy go all natural!!! haha!