Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Currently: Recovery Mode

Current Book

Current Song

It Goes On by Zac Brown Band - such a talented group!

Current TV Show

Bandwagon jumper

Current Drink

Hot tea with honey for my yucky cough

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

We bought Nutty Bars at the grocery store, eek!

Current Outfit

Current Celebrity Crush

I think 12 Strong would be too intense for me, but this guy could tempt me to watch it!

Current Mood

If I'm being totally honest, I've been really blue the last few days. Being sick and having sick kids really stinks. I think being homebound also took my mind back to being home with Paige last winter so much and reminded me a little too much of my post-partum time period. So happy we are all on the mend, so these blues don't get worse!

Current Anticipation

We are having Drew's birthday party this weekend!!!

Current Wishlist

For Paige to get her act together and sleep at night.

Current Film

Allison and I are hitting this one Sunday, 
and then it's going to be 4 Oscar Best Picture nominees in a very quick hit!

Current Picture

Scooter accident, sad little boy {Although he's faking the sad face}


Anonymous said...

I just finished episode 4 of Maisel. I'm really enjoying it.

Emily said...

Man I look at that fangirl book and part of me thinks I started it, didn’t like it, and quit while the other part of me thinks it’s just been sitting in my library “to be read” list for so long that I recognize it. Lol. Also, Thor is hot. He will always be Thor and he will always be the only hot superhero.

Kathryn Bagley said...

I read attachments and it took me a while to read it but i liked it! I'll have to check out fangirl :) and boo for feeling blue..glad yall are back to feeling better!