Monday, September 19, 2011

Your Emmy Fashion Post Will Be Delayed, Why I'm a Terrible Mother, and PLEASE Bring Me Some Wine ASAP!

So how did you spend your Sunday night?  Watching the Emmys?  Rocking out at ACL?  Date night?  Sounds super fun.  Brent and I put our son to bed at 8:00.  I turned on E!'s Emmy red carpet coverage and started looking up dresses online.  At 10:00, I took the door knob off our bedroom door and switched it with my son's, so I could lock him in his bedroom.  Bedtime in the big boy bed is not going well to say the least.  Threats, spankings, no videos in the morning, ignoring him, none of it is working.  So I spent the remainder of Sunday night scarfing pizza, guzzling wine {diet? what diet?}, and questioning my ability to properly raise my child.  He banged his head on the door, he screamed, he cried for me.  Parenting is not for sissies.  Promise me it gets better?  And the best part of the experience?  When I had Brent locked in our bedroom and me locked in Trent's bedroom while Trent stood in the hallway holding part of one of the doorknobs.  Honey, please don't leave me, okay?  As a consolation prize, I did a guest post for one of my oldest friends, Kelly, who is enjoying a fabulous 10 day trip in London with her mom!  So jealous!  I did a 'best and worst' from last year's award season.  So go check it out!


Anonymous said...

I'm all about locking doors in our house to keep the kids contained and under control. Bedroom door, closet door, pantry get the idea! ha once they realize the doors are locked they stop trying to open them, but it takes a while to get to that point. hang in there - we experience the same madness at my house times two!! :) LL

the blogivers said...

You are NOT a terrible mother! That doesn't sound fun though :(