Sunday, September 18, 2011

This is Trent's World, and We're Just Living in It

It is pretty hysterical living with a 2 year old.  He is constantly saying and doing stuff that Brent and I just get so tickled over.  I wanted to document a few of my favorites - 1) to remember and 2) to share how dang cute he is!

We have had some trouble at school with Trent being aggressive to the teachers and classmates.  He also has been getting out of his bed A LOT since he's now in a big boy bed.  So what is sometimes working for us is not letting him watch videos.  Well, one morning after a little chat about how he wasn't getting to watch videos because he wasn't being nice, he responded to me, "I'll be nice...  Now can I watch a video?" without skipping a beat!

My in-laws love music from the '60s.  He is really into Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.  He will spontaneously break into song (including at church) to sing "Big Girls Don't Cry" and "Sherry Baby".

We tell stories to Trent at naptime and bedtime.  We have now made up a story about him driving a street paver (we call it the Big Roller).  Now he commands me to "Tell the Big Roller story".

Like a typical day, Trent was naked running around the house. 
Trent: "I'm cold."
Mama: "Let's put on clothes."
Trent: "I'll just wrap up in baby."

And he did!
{Bad iPhone quality and a moving target...but had to post him wrapped up!}

Trent doesn't really like going to school.  On a Thursday, I was getting ready for work and Trent asked, "Where you going, Mama?"  And I responded, "Mama has to go to work today."  Trent then asked, "Where I going, Mama?"  And I responded, "Nowhere.  Nana is coming over today."  He then shouted, "NO SCHOOL!!!!"  I thought I'd have a few years before he got this excited about not going to school. :/

When shopping, he picks up or touches everything in a store and says, "This is cute."
Brent's parents were out of town for a week, so Trent went a LONG time without seeing his Nana.  When I told him he was going to see Nana, he responded, "I love Nana...mower."

I read at church one Sunday.  When I sat back down, Trent told me, "You did a good job reading that story, Mama."

He says some stuff backwards.  "Cakecup" = cupcake.  "Catbob" = bobcat.  Not all the time though which is what I find funny about it.
Man, I love that kid!!


KristenW said...

Is it weird if I reread this post a few hundred times?? LOVE that child. So amazing. You are pretty cool, too:)

Val said...

I love these stories. My favorite!

Kelly said...

I just read this out loud to my mom and Shelley in our hotel room and they were both laughing so mom almost starting crying at the singing of Sherry Baby and Big Girls Don't Cry!