Thursday, September 7, 2023

Movie Review: Strays

I played hooky at work last Friday {just kidding, my boss approved ha} to go see a movie with a friend/co-worker. We both thought the movie Strays looked equal parts funny and ridiculous and wanted to check it out.

Plot: An abandoned dog teams up with other strays to get revenge on his former owner.

Review: OMG, this was ridiculous, just like we thought it would be! We laughed so much but it was also so over-the-top. We were prepared for it being stupid, so I think it met our expectations. It is 100% NOT a kids movie {it's rated R}, but I wanted to put that out there in case anyone was like 'Oh fun, talking dogs, I'll take my kids!' If you like stupid and crude humor, this will be a hit for sure.