Sunday, October 31, 2010

Game Day

I haven't been to an Aggie football game in {gasp} 6 years.  We got some tickets to go see the Ags B.T.H.O. Texas Tech!!!!  I had such a great time cheering my Ags onto victory.  This season (and if we're being honest - many seasons) have been very disappointing, but yesterday's game showed that the Aggies still have some fight in them.  Whoop!

Pre-game festivities

You can take the nerd out of the band, but you can't take the love for THIS band out of THIS nerd!!  Check out that awesome block T!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Swirl, Sniff, Swish, Swallow

Last night, Brent treated me to a wine tasting/pairing event at Water 2 Wine.  It was a lot of fun, and we had great company.  Our 'instructor' wanted us to just notice the difference when you paired certain foods with a red wine vs. a white wine.  What I noticed is that drinking that much wine in 1 hour is a lot of fun. {grin}  I ended up tasting 10 wines, and we got to take home a bottle of our choice (included in the price of the class).  I'll definitely be looking for other activities there, so if anyone is looking for something fun to do with friends or a special someone, I highly recommend this!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Alternatively Titled: What?  Do I Have Something on My Shirt?

P.S. Happy birthday, Uncle Sky!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

All About Babywearing - Part 1

While pregnant, I thought it would be fun to be a babywearing mama.  Once I realized how much I enjoyed wearing Trent, I got online and read in my baby books ('Baby 411' ROCKS) all about babywearing.  I found out that not only is it convenient for the mama, there are so many benefits for the baby too! When I'm out with Trent and wearing him, I still get questions from other moms about the carrier I'm using or do I like using them or where did I get it or a million other things. So hopefully this isn't boring!!

Here is what I learned (from Wikipedia, askdrsears, etc.):

1. Sling babies cry less. I can definitely attest to this one.  Trent was one of the happiest, most content babies ever.

2. Sling babies learn more.  Sling babies spend more time in a state of 'quiet alert' (since they aren't crying).

3. Sling babies are more organized.

4. Sling babies get humanized earlier.  Babies are closer to people, and can study facial expressions, learn languages faster, and be familiar with body language.

5. Sling babies are smarter.  This is because the baby is more intimately involved in mommy and daddy's world.

6. Babywearing reduces SIDS and 'flat head syndrome'. To paraphrase what I read, babies 'learn' how to regulate their body systems by feelings yours.  And because the baby is not in a carseat, bouncer, stroller, etc. as much there is a reduced chance of your baby having a flat head.

I also learned there are a lot of carriers!  I have a collection of 4, but there are tons of different kinds.  There are pouches*, wraps*, ring slings*, mei tais, hip carriers, front carriers*, and baby backpacks/structured carriers.  Coming soon - all about these carriers!

*These are the ones I have. {grin}

Happy, babywearing mamas!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Movie Review: Life As We Know It

Dena and I saw 'Life As We Know It'.  We have similar taste in romantic comedies - meaning we're super easy to please.  Our criteria?
  • Cute male lead - Josh Duhamel - check
  • Cute female lead - Katherine Heigl - check
  • Cute couple ends up together at the end/Happy ending - check
So we were both happy when we left. {grin}

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baby Fever? I'll Pass...But Thanks For Asking!

My sister is pregnant.  Katie (a bloggy friend whose little girl is 1 day older than Trent) is pregnant.  Rhonda just had Brinley.  But I'm DEAD SERIOUS - no baby fever for this Mama.  I love Trent to pieces but am not ready for him to be a big brother.  I will squeeze Brinley lots (as evidenced below), then come spring, I will squeeze my new niece or nephew lots and enjoy all the new life around me and not in me.  I mean it. {grin}

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trent's 'First' Haircut

So if I'm being real, Trent's first haircut was really just a trim.  It kept his 'wings' under control for awhile, but because we only trimmed the sides, he was getting really close to officially having a mullet.  As much as I didn't want to chop his curls, it was time.  It's such a silly thing to get upset about, and I didn't really get upset, but it does feel like he's not really a baby anymore but a little boy.  But it is definitely exciting to watch him grow and change - I swear every day he's picking up a new word, expression, activity!

Strapping him into the chair did NOT go well.  I ended up sitting in the chair (and let me tell you those chairs are not made for adult bottoms) holding my SCREAMING son.  We're lucky he did not get cut - the lady who cut his hair was super quick, I'm sure she's had practice.  You can really see his mullet in the first pic. 

Poor, sad Billy Ray Cyrus...

Whoa!  Who is this big boy?!?!  Still precious as ever though!
He cried so hard and was so upset, the first thing I did when we got home was give him some Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  He totally loves that cereal, and we hardly ever give it to him...but I definitely had some Mommy Guilt.  Ha!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday we enjoyed a trip to the Elgin Pumpkin Festival.  Now that Trent is getting older, it's getting so fun to go places with him.  Not sure Brent is sold on this stuff yet though {grin}.  I must admit though, I might have had just as much fun playing in Picasa to make my collages.  The festival is this weekend as well if you want to check it out - it really was so neat.  Although I forgot to tell Brent it cost money to enter (he always carries the cash), and we almost couldn't go in!

Posing with the pumpkins

Some of the activities the babies enjoyed

Tired baby - all tuckered out from so much fun

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Not So Guilty Pleasure

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team 5 started Friday.  Totally watched it for the 5th straight season.  This might be my favorite show.  Not the least bit ashamed about it either. {grin}

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Today marks mine and Brent's 6th anniversary.  I got him nothing.  He got me a mani/pedi at a fabulous spa.  He wins...well, I guess I win. {grin}  We celebrated this morning by a family trip to a pumpkin patch.  Are you jealous?  We may not be the most romantic couple...but I sure do love that man.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HONEY!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Recipe Experiment

One thing that has been a challenge for me my entire time as a Mrs. has been consistently cooking dinner.  Brent would happily eat fast food every day, but I do not like that being a staple in our diets.  I might love 'The Biggest Loser', but I do not want to star on it.  I thought it would be fun for all us lovely ladies to help each other out and post a favorite easy recipe or two.  And maybe even do it every once in a while to give each other new ideas or encouragement to keep trying at our goal...even if we have so far failed miserably.  Or am I alone in that failure?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Moving on...

Without further adieu...I present Enchilada Casserole.

1 pound ground beef
1 can cream of chicken
1 can enchilada sauce
Corn tortillas
Grated cheese

1. Brown meat.
2. Mix in cream of chicken and enchilada sauce.
3. Layer tortillas, 1/2 meat/soup mixture, cheese in a casserole dish.  Repeat.
4. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for roughly 15-20 minutes (want cheese melted but cook too long and it gets HARD).

I will mix hominy or corn with it sometimes to add a veggie. 

Anyone else want to play?!?!  If so, leave a comment so we can find your recipe.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tantrums 101

Trent has recently started throwing tantrums when he doesn't get his way. "Oh, I can't have a cookie/ice cream for breakfast?  Let me just show you how that makes me feel, mmm kay?"  For the most part, I can't help but want to laugh.  Twice, though, we've had to take him and put him in his crib because he was SO agitated that we decided he needed some alone time to cool down.  What exactly is he doing?  Well, I'm so glad you asked!

1. Look at mommy in disbelief. "Seriously?  Your going to deny my cute face the item I so desperately NEED?"
2. Start crying.  Allow giant crocodile tears to pour from eyes.
3. Throw myself out of her arms if being held.  Once on the floor, run to the nearest wall and bang head on wall.  OR pull hair - hers, mine, doesn't matter just pull.
4. Continue to wail until distracted by toy/pacifier/milk/snack.
5. Repeat often.

Brent and I hope we are responding appropriately.  Once we have told Trent no, we stick with that answer and don't give in.  We're sticking with 'consistency is key' and hoping for the best.  The mommy handbook doesn't teach that the 'Terrible Twos' start at a minute past 1 year old! {grin}

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kelby and Karin 10.9.10

Some of our good friends, Kelby and Karin, were married yesterday.  Brent was in the wedding (looking so handsome in his tux), and Trent stayed at home with my parents, so we had a great date night!

The happy couple
Another happy couple


Some other highlights of our night

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

15 Months!!

Trent turned 15 months last week, but we didn't make it to the doctor until today.  The timing worked out well since we also needed to check on his ear from our ear infection diagnosis last week.  The antibiotic is kicking his butt.  We had a blow-out diarrhea diaper at the doctor that ended up on me in the waiting room.  I had no extra clothes (for either of us).  After I got Trent cleaned up, I heard nurses whispering 'That's the blow-out baby.'  HA!  It does make me wonder which is worse - to let an ear infection heal naturally and just treat the pain or have an upset stomach/nausea/diarrhea/lack of appetite?  Anyhoo...back to our 15 month old baby!  Isn't he precious?

Weight: 22 pounds 4 ounces (10-25%) - I so thought we were going to be 23+ pounds - he's been feeling much heavier lately.  I think the antibiotic is to blame for this as well!
Height: 31 1/4 inches (50%)
Head circumference: 47 cm (25-50% but ALMOST 50%)

What is Trent up to these days?  Everything! 
-He's trying to talk and is SO close.  He can say the first syllable of a bunch of words (girl, blower, grill, Babs, Pops, bird, ball).  He can say 'Ma' and 'Da' and can understand us really well, he even follows instructions!
-He has 12 teeth!
-He's signing like crazy!  He knows 20+ signs - it is precious.
-He's eating A LOT (normally) but will shake his head 'no' (this is new) when he doesn't want to try something - which is often.
-He loves to be outside and loves to be in the shed or in his wagon/stroller.  He loves to dance.
-He is such a ham and will do anything if you will clap and cheer for him.  Two of his favorites are when I say 'Ta da' and he puts his hands up in the air or when we ask where his muscles are and he flexes. 

We are having a blast with our little guy!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sing...Sing A Song

Trent constantly makes me laugh without trying.  Some of the things he does are just funny.  One thing that happens every day I just had to share because I think it's funny and because I don't ever want to forget what a joy it is being his mommy.  He likes me to sing when we're in the car.  He goes 'Eh' over and over again until I start.  If he likes the song I'm singing, he's quiet while I sing.  If he doesn't, he says 'EHHHHH!!!' until I switch to a different song.  If he wants me to repeat the song he gives me an 'Eh' after I finish.  I might go through 5 or 10 songs with him vetoing every song until my mind blanks on a song to sing to him.  The same thing happens when he's in the tub and when I'm rocking him before bedtime.  What a little stinker!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Baby

I'll love you forever,

I'll like you for always,

As long as I'm living

 my baby you'll be.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Stuffing...And Not The Turkey Kind

Hmmm....what do you think Trent was trying to say when he put the TP in my bra??