Friday, July 31, 2009

Grow Baby Grow - 1 Month

Yesterday was Trent's 1 month birthday. We celebrated with a shot. (Mom cried more than baby.)

Trent's stats:
Weight: 11 pounds, 3 ounces!! (75-90%)
Length: 21 7/8 inches (50%)
Head: 39 cm (50-75%)

He is growing like a weed, and I love it! Now, don't judge his cuteness by the below pictures; he was not in the best of moods after his shot...and I didn't want to upset him more by repositioning him 100 times.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mother's Intuition

I was RIGHT!! I said last night that I thought Trent was getting close to smiling and guess who bestowed a smile upon his mother this morning?!?! Of course I cried. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Last night, I danced cheek-to-cheek with my son and sang 'Baby Mine' to put him to sleep. I loved feeling him relax against me and slowly drift off to sleep.

My son has a double chin and chubby cheeks and has outgrown newborn diapers and most of his newborn clothes. I love that my milk is making him big and strong, and I love the time we share while nursing.

I love that my freezer is full of breast milk.

My son looks into my eyes, and I love that he will never doubt my love for him. I know he will smile soon...I can just tell.

Most of all, I love being his mother!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


More baby steps to report...

Dena came over on Thursday, and we took Trent to Target. Dena decided we needed a picture to remember this momentus ocassion. Isn't he cute slumped over in my Moby wrap? I am obviously not an expert on baby wearing but LOVE it and am planning a post all about it, so get excited!

Today I took Trent BY MYSELF to my parents (my mom had surgery on Thursday) and to Starbucks.
I feel a little bit like a wuss for being so nervous about everything, but mainly I am just happy to be taking my baby steps and thankful to have so many supportive friends and family helping me take them. :)
P.S. I wrote this post 1-handed because I have the cutest accessory in my lap! Just wanted to share.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Maternity Pictures

Better late than never, but we got the CD for our maternity pictures on Tuesday (when we took our first family photos with Trent). Here are a couple of my favorites. I have a really neat idea for framing these with the pictures we took on Tuesday...I hope it turns out the way I'm imagining...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swaddle Me? Swaddle You!!

My husband had an innocent suggestion Monday night that has turned into an answered prayer.

Back story - I think Trent hates to be swaddled. Every night (after every feeding), I get him back in his swaddle (we've tried regular blankets, the SwaddleMe blanket and doubling up with 1 of each), and he fights that swaddle trying to get his hands free. Before he was born, I read a ton of books that all recommended swaddling and all said that some babies fight it but they all really love it. Well, until you see your child straining and grunting to get his hands free, that statement seems really logical. At 4:00 AM, it makes you want to cry. And when it takes an extra hour to get your child makes you want to go insane. I couldn't figure out what to do, but I figured we'd just have to endure the fight until he 'didn't need it' anymore.

Cut to Monday night: I needed to mail some thank you notes, and our mailbox is about 2 blocks away, so Brent suggested we put Trent in the stroller and go for a walk. After about 10 minutes, Trent fell asleep in the stroller and stayed that way for 2 hours. The lightbulb went off! I have heard of babies sleeping in the swings and car seats but hadn't thought to try it. Trent has now successfully slept in his car seat 2 nights in a row without a swaddle. I'm trying to not get my hopes up that this is all we needed, but I can't help it!! He slept for almost 5 hours straight last night in it too!!

Any other suggestions of places your babies have slept? I ordered the Miracle Blanket as another swaddling blanket, but I'm open to any and all suggestions for having a happy, SLEEPING baby.


Got some pictures of Miles and Trent checking each other out. Not sure there is any interest there yet...hopefully once Trent gets a little bigger, they'll be able to entertain each other!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First Tub Bath

Sunday night we gave Trent his first bath in his tub. Luckily, Nana was around to help! First, ignore how I look...focus on the baby. ;) Second, sorry for showing his privates - I didn't feel like dealing with PhotoShop to 'edit' them out.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

H-Town Visit

Laura and Jeff (and Ryan) came to visit last weekend. Ryan got to meet both Miles and Trent. Our house was overflowing with baby boys!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Baby Steppin' on Out

Today I left the myself...for the first time since Trent was born. Dad manned the fort, and I went to the library and Starbucks. I was gone for about 45 minutes. It felt great to be 'normal' for a little bit and weird all at the same time. When I left, Trent was asleep. When I got home, Dad was holding him minus 1 sock and his outfit unbuttoned (apparently Dad wasn't fast enough changing Trent's diaper and he got a little fussy, so Dad didn't quite finish the last step of the diaper change).

I'm looking forward to a) leaving the house with Trent by myself (haven't done that yet) and b) going somewhere for longer without Trent (maybe to see Harry Potter?!?!). I know there are mothers out there who handle the transition to motherhood with ease, but I'm proud of myself for the steps I'm making, small as they might be.

So Chill

Don't you wish you could look this relaxed every day?
(Inside Mom's other sling)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Reading My Mind

At work, I am a member of a prayer chain. Every Friday, the members all get a Bible verse. Today's verse? Exactly what I needed!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Dena sent me this Bible passage last night after reading my 'Worry' post (Phillippians 4:6-7). This is what I want to remember when I start to worry! I have been blessed today by the many text messages, voicemails and comments on my blog giving me strength. Thanks to all the wonderful mothers out there who are encouraging me through this journey!!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I don't want to write this post. But I think it will be good for me to get this out of my system...

I worry.

I worry that Trent is too cold. I worry that Trent is too hot. I worry that he hates being swaddled (even though I know it helps him sleep). I worry that I feed him too much. I worry that I don't feed him enough. I worry that he will stop breathing (this fear consumes me). I worry that he doesn't feel good when he fusses. I worry that I will not be a good mother. The worry just doesn't stop. My heart will just go crazy sometimes with anxiety - it's hard for me to hear him fuss or not have him in my arms 24/7 because of all the fear I feel.

I know this is completely normal. It even has a name - baby blues. Every day I feel a little better than I did the day before - but minutely. {I'll take whatever I can get though.}

I want to enjoy every minute with him, but I also can't help but look forward to the day when I feel 'normal' (whatever that means now), when I feel like I know what I'm doing, when the irrational fears and anxiety are behind me. Being a mother is wonderful...but I worry.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby Wearing

I have 2 wraps and am enjoying trying them out with Trent. Hopefully he continues to like them, and we can hit the town soon!

Daddy Time

Wanted to share some pictures of Brent with his little man. He's a great dad already!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Twins Update

Thought I would share with everyone the information on Stephanie's twins. (It's kind of funny because there are 3 girls from PHS Class of '98 that had 4 babies in 2 days.)

Mason Alexander and Madison Faith were born on June 29, 2009 weighing 4 pounds 2 ounces and 2 pounds 5 ounces, respectively.

I got the below from Stephanie yesterday:
Both Mason and Madison are doing very well. They both got back to their birth weight within a week of delivery and have already started putting on more weight. Mason weighs 4 lbs 5 oz and Madison weighs 2 lbs 10 oz. As of yesterday, both are off of oxygen, breathing room air on their own, and they don't need their IVs any longer, so less tubes and wires connected to them. They are both still feeding through a feeding tube, but we will be starting Mason on trying the bottle and breast this week. (Babies usually don't learn to suck, swallow and breath at the same time until 34 or 35 weeks.) Mason is actually being moved into a crib today (meaning he is able to hold his temperature well) and both will be moved very soon to the IMC (Intermediate Care) unit of the NICU, which means they need less attention and they are just there to grow and learn to feed from the breast or bottle. Daniel got to change his first ever diaper the other night
and we are going to bathe Mason tonight. I am doing very well also, healing and getting around well. God's provision is also evident in that so many people have volunteered to take me to the hospital since I can't drive right now, and so far this week I have been able to spend at least 4 hrs a day at the NICU, holding each of them for an hour or more (and pumping, which has become my full-time job). We are continuing to pray for both Mason and Madison, specifically for their growth and continued good health as well as their neurological development. They will probably be in the IMC unit for at least another 3 - 6 weeks and as of now I would guess that Mason comes home first.

It's amazing to see how well they are doing after how scary things seemed at the beginning! Below is a picture of them after delivery - so cute!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Week Recap

Here are the highlights from Trent's first week of of course!

First car trip
First time in his house

First time meeting Miles (who was a little miffed that his mom was holding someone else)

First visit to the doctor (no jaundice - yea!)
First Fourth of July First Swing Ride First BathNaps with Mama and Daddy

What a week, huh? I am so in love with my precious boy and just living day-to-day as I figure out this whole mothering thing. One minute I am in awe, the next crying, the next worrying, the next in awe...but it's AMAZING...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Grow Baby Grow - 1 Week

Trent is 1 week old TODAY! It's hard to believe that a week ago he had just entered the world (literally 20 minutes ago). Here are a few pictures - figured we'd start tracking his growth. :)

Sitting on Mama's lap
Sneezing mid pose (but so adorable I had to post)
Cutest monkey ever (from Nana)

Miles' 4 Month Birthday

Just because I had a baby doesn't mean I can forget my other favorite little guy. Miles came over for a visit yesterday (with his mommy, of course) and was FINALLY held by his Uncle Brent. I think having a baby of his own that is about 1/3 the size of Miles finally made it not seem so scary! Miles turned 4 months yesterday (I can hardly believe it). Happy 4 months, big guy!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Baby Story

Trent and I just finished his first nightly diaper change and feeding. I am not a pro at getting his diapers on tight enough (yet), so we had a wardrobe malfunction that required a new set of pj's as well. Usually he does NOT enjoy changing clothes, but he handled it really well tonight, for which I am so thankful. My FMIL (fabulous mother-in-law) has stayed with us the past 3 nights, but tonight I am trying to do everything on my own, to see if I can manage it, and using her only as needed, so it was wonderful that my little guy didn't scream at me! I get a little antsy with everything, so I couldn't fall back asleep and decided this would be a good time to tell Trent's birth story...

We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 AM on June 30, 2009. I was prompty changed into a hospital gown and started on Pitocin.

Last belly bump - 40 weeks and 3 days
A little before 8:00, my doctor came and broke my water. The contractions got SO intense immediately that within 15 minutes I was asking for my epidural. I felt a little bit like a weenie, but when I found out I went from 1 1/2 cm to 4 cm during that time, I felt a little more justified! The nurse asked me which side I wanted to lay on, and I said left so that I could look at and talk to Brent. Bad decision. The baby's heart rate immediately plummeted and the nurse couldn't get it back up. They rolled me to my right side and put me on oxygen, but his heart rate was still hovering around 60 beats per minute (want it around 120-160). The doctor was paged, she came sprinting to the room, and his heart rate jumped back into a good range. Thank goodness. I was pretty upset and crying by this point. The Pitocin was turned off, and I was given a shot to stop contractions to let everything settle down and give Baby Boy a chance to rest (it feels weird calling him Trent when he was still Baby Boy at this point).
Me on oxygen
We moved right along once the Pitocin was turned back on for a few hours...discovered Baby Boy was sunnyside up (facing the wrong way) and I was dilated to 6 cm. Then we tried the left side again and Baby Boy's heart rate dropped again. After another round of oxygen and another hour of Pitocin, my doctor said she I was showing signs that I might need a c-section (since the baby wasn't handling contractions great and was positioned wrong).
Everyone was cold (but me) - thankfully I ruled the room that day and they all got blankets!
Another few hours passed, and I started feeling contractions in my left side but my right side was TOTALLY numb. Because we couldn't put me on my left side or risk more heart rate drops, I'd stayed on my right side the entire day, and the epidural was pooling in the right side. Let's just say those contractions were NOT enjoyable, and we slowly got me turned to my left side. Baby Boy reacted beautifully (meaning he didn't react at all), the medicine got redistributed, and I was dilated to 8-9 cm. This makes for a HAPPY mommy-to-be.
The doctor came and realized I was dilated to 10 cm. I pushed a few times so that she could work on turning Baby Boy. We got him halfway turned, and it turned out that I am an excellent pusher (who knew?), so my doctor decided we'd try to deliver, but she wanted to wait an hour to let him labor down on his own some, since he was still not in an ideal position.

40 minutes later, I couldn't wait ANY was TIME to PUSH! An hour and 15 minutes later...BABY BOY WAS HERE!!! Brent was so amazing through everything - he knows my personality so well and was so supportive when I needed it. He mostly let the nurses and doctor do their jobs and held on for the wild ride.
Taking in the moment - totally in awe of this little guy

Meeting Dad for the first time

Look at his little tongue (and not my sweaty face)!

Bath time
All clean and ready to hang with Mom and Dad
Ready for his close-up
I am still in a state of shock over how amazing/crazy this experience has been so far. Birth is everything and nothing like I expected. My doctor told me the next morning that she really thought I would need a c-section and that made me feel like such a rock star.
Trent is fussing a bit, so there you go! How he made his grand entrance. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Few Pictures

I am going to work on a post about the past few's hard to put into words what emotions I'm experiencing right now, but I definitely want to document as much as I can about Trent's arrival. We have had some stressful moments, but he is SO worth everything. I love this little boy like no other.

Born June 30, 2009 @ 5:30 PM
8 pounds, 9 ounces
20 1/2 inches long
First family photo
I am a BIG boy!!
Holding my daddy's hand under the warmer
In the sauna (baby warmer)
I think my mama likes me!!