Thought I would share with everyone the information on Stephanie's twins. (It's kind of funny because there are 3 girls from PHS Class of '98 that had 4 babies in 2 days.)
Mason Alexander and Madison Faith were born on June 29, 2009 weighing 4 pounds 2 ounces and 2 pounds 5 ounces, respectively.
I got the below from Stephanie yesterday:
Both Mason and Madison are doing very well. They both got back to their birth weight within a week of delivery and have already started putting on more weight. Mason weighs 4 lbs 5 oz and Madison weighs 2 lbs 10 oz. As of yesterday, both are off of oxygen, breathing room air on their own, and they don't need their IVs any longer, so less tubes and wires connected to them. They are both still feeding through a feeding tube, but we will be starting Mason on trying the bottle and breast this week. (Babies usually don't learn to suck, swallow and breath at the same time until 34 or 35 weeks.) Mason is actually being moved into a crib today (meaning he is able to hold his temperature well) and both will be moved very soon to the IMC (Intermediate Care) unit of the NICU, which means they need less attention and they are just there to grow and learn to feed from the breast or bottle. Daniel got to change his first ever diaper the other night
and we are going to bathe Mason tonight. I am doing very well also, healing and getting around well. God's provision is also evident in that so many people have volunteered to take me to the hospital since I can't drive right now, and so far this week I have been able to spend at least 4 hrs a day at the NICU, holding each of them for an hour or more (and pumping, which has become my full-time job). We are continuing to pray for both Mason and Madison, specifically for their growth and continued good health as well as their neurological development. They will probably be in the IMC unit for at least another 3 - 6 weeks and as of now I would guess that Mason comes home first.
It's amazing to see how well they are doing after how scary things seemed at the beginning! Below is a picture of them after delivery - so cute!!