Monday, October 31, 2022

Movie Review: Ticket to Paradise

Allison and I saw another movie this month, yay! Yesterday we hit up Ticket to Paradise. I am a sucker for a romantic comedy and then you add Julia Roberts and George Clooney? Sign me up!

Plot: A divorced couple teams up and travels to Bali to stop their daughter from making the same mistake they think they made 25 years ago.

Review: This was so cute! Allison and I both really enjoyed it. I laughed out loud quite a few times and loved the chemistry between Georgia and David {Julia/George} as well as Lily and Gede {the engaged couple}. The acting was great, the scenery was unbelievable, overall a winner! Allison and I did joke where you would go on your honeymoon if you lived in Bali - like you can't pick a prettier place and decided they could go to Galveston for a change of pace to see brown water instead of beautiful turquoise ha!

And how cute are we in our 'Boooooks' tshirts! {grin}

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Currently: Flu Fun

Current Book

This is very weird.

Current Song

Just started listening to this, love me some T. Swift!

Current TV Show

Brent loves this show, and I couldn't get into it.
I'm thinking of trying to catch up so we can watch it together...

Current Audiobook/Podcast

Current Drink

Lots of Emergen-C - trying so hard to NOT GET SICK!

Current Food

Our grocery store makes soups, and I am obsessed with their chicken and dumpling soup. I'm definitely going to bust out my recipe very soon.

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

I'm eating Bottlecaps as I type this!

Current Outfit

Workout clothes - who's surprised?
Let's focus on how cute my dress was this weekend for the wedding!

Current Celebrity Crush

Anyone else excited for this?

Current Mood

I am DONE having sick kids!

Current Anticipation

Going to see this next week!

Current Wishlist

We need new sheets which doesn't sound like a wishlist item.
Except we have a sleep number bed with a split top.
So our sheets are expensive {for what I think sheets should be}.

Current Movie

Really excited about this one!

Current Picture

Working from home with 2 sick kids means your chair for 1 becomes a chair for 3.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Wedding Weekend

My cousin's son got married over the weekend, and we had the best time! They reserved cabins for people who wanted to stay for an extended weekend, and we signed up with my parents and my sister's family. The wedding was where we stayed with Brent's family last summer - the kids had a blast there so I was looking forward to going back.

We arrived Thursday late afternoon and there was a pizza party at the house rented for the wedding party. There were 2 awesome pools, lake access, a hot tub, and a game room - the kids thought it was awesome. And the pizza was SO GOOD.

A beautiful Texas sunset

Fun videos of the kids enjoying the pools!

Friday we hung out with our extended family, the kids played in the lake, and the bride's family had a food truck come and serve everyone lunch! It was a great afternoon. Brent and my dad made fajitas Friday night. 


The bummer of the weekend was Paige running fever on Friday.

What a view!

Definitely not feeling good :(

Saturday morning we hung out with family again until it was time to get ready for the wedding.

Uh-oh...another one down. SOB!


Pretty Lindemann ladies

My mom with her siblings/spouses

Living her best life!

Brent stayed back at the cabin with Drew, so my cousin was my date.
Her husband is a coach so he couldn't come either.

The new Mr. and Mrs. Lindemann

This child LOVES to snuggle!

Every once in a while he acts like he likes me {grin}

On the way home after a great weekend
{except for Drew who felt pretty miserable at this point}!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Movie Review: Amsterdam

2 posts in 1 week? Who am I? {grin} Allison and I went to see Amsterdam last weekend - we love to see the quirky/artsy films and this fit the bill! This marked my 10th film of 2022, excited to see this number growing back to my pre-Covid viewings! And there are a lot I'm interested in seeing in the coming months!


Plot: In the 1930s, three friends witness a murder, are framed for it, and uncover one of the most outrageous plots in American history.

Review: Well. This was quirky with a capital Q. Acting was top-notch with an All-star cast, but it was definitely one of the weirder films Allison and I have seen! We both left saying we enjoyed it...but I don't think this is one everyone would enjoy.

Monday, October 17, 2022

What 18 Years of Wedded Bliss Looks Like

Brent and I celebrated 18 years of marriage yesterday! Every year seems impressive as we close in on 20! {grin} I love, however, how the days look different these days compared to those first few anniversaries.

Our first anniversary with the top tier of our cake!

This year, our kids were on fall break, so we coordinated grandparent camp for the week and felt bad asking them to keep the kids AGAIN on Sunday, our actual anniversary, so we went out to eat on Thursday night, when they were with my parents. We went to a new steakhouse in our town, that is in the remodeled former post office, so it's called City Post.

I still think we look pretty cute after alllllll these years. {grin}

Dinner was SO GOOD!

We have this ridiculous game of trying to catch each other on our phones.
He was texting his friends but I couldn't get a picture, he was too fast!

Our anniversary also happens to be my BFF's bday, and she was turning 40 this year, so we had a girls dinner on Friday night to celebrate her. So thanks honey for taking care of the kids on our anniversary weekend! [Said a little bit with sarcasm because they're his kids too ha]

We got her a 40 crown and sash!

Besties for 16+ years!

This picture just melted me - 8:00 AM soccer for Ms. Paige!

The highlight of our actual anniversary was...clothes shopping with the kids! We have a family wedding coming up this weekend and none of the kids had anything to wear. So I took the kiddos to the outlet mall near us where we shopped for over 3 hours. BUT everyone found something to wear!

It's a miracle finding pants that fit Trent!

Sassy sisters

She wanted this picture to send to her friends, ha

I took zero pictures with Brent on our actual anniversary, but we got some cookies to celebrate. I love the life we've created together and that every day we're doing life together.

Here's to another year!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

First Days of School 2022-23 School Year

I realized I forgot to post about the start of our school year! Here we are 8 weeks into the year and we are on Fall Break, so it's definitely time for an update.

School started Tuesday, August 16. Trent and Paige returned to their same classes - Adolescent Community {7th-8th grade} for 8th grade, which is the LAST YEAR at our school, and Paige returned to her Primary Community {Pk3-K} for Kindergarten. Drew moved up to Upper El {4th-6th grade} for 4th grade.

Paige Noelle

Nido ~ PK4
Paige is happy as a clam returning to her beloved Sassafras community with Ms. Liliana and Ms. Maria, two of her favorite humans on the planet. She is loving being the big kid in class. I get comments on a regular basis about her helping the little kids {from her and her guides}. She loves going to PE, which is new for her this year! The kindergarteners took their first benchmark test this year, and she scored 98% {math} and 99% {reading}, so I'd say she's doing just fine academically! {grin}

Little Ms. Kindergarten

Drew Kathleen

Casita ~ 3rd Grade
Drew is having the hardest start to the year. Everything is different for her this year - she's now the youngest grade in a new level, new teachers, different side of the building, doesn't have her besties in class... She is still exceling in class - she has already been given extra responsibility because she is responsible, respectful, a rule-follower, all the things...but she's not very happy in class which makes me VERY sad. It's getting better over time, so I'm confident we'll get there! We got her STAAR test scores over the summer {the standardized test for Texas public schools}, and she did great! She also did good in her beginning of year benchmarking test. I'm just looking forward to her feeling good soon.

4th Grade

Trent Kinder ~ 7th Grade
It's been an interesting start to the year for Trent. He's happy to be back with his friend group, doesn't complain at all about going...yet he is getting in trouble consistently. His STAAR scores were the highest he's had {Mastering both parts}, he is 1 of 2 8th graders doing 2 Math curriculums, his benchmarking scores increased a lot from last academically things are going great! We just need his behavior to settle down!

Too cool to smile 8th grader

I can't believe this is our last year with all 3 kids at the same school and that Trent will go to high school next year. I am going to miss the convenience of 1 drop-off and 1 pickup and knowing the school and administration so well. We have a tentative plan in place for next year that I'm excited about, but we'll see how the rest of this year shakes out.