Plot: In a realm known as Kumandra, a re-imagined Earth inhabited by an ancient civilization, a warrior named Raya is determined to find the last dragon.
Review: This was pretty darn good and really cute! The girls and I enjoyed it and stayed entertained the whole time. The plot was not too detailed where Paige got lost but enjoyable enough for me. It was a little bit scary at times - I did end up with Paige on my lap - but it was manageable. I liked the theme of working together, developing trust, etc. There were times it felt a little tedious because a million things went wrong along the way, but it wasn't Armageddon level, ha. {I remember watching that movie and just thinking 'This is literally the most intense case of everything-that-could-go-wrong-is-going-wrong.' and having lots of eye-rolling moments.} I also got irritated that in my head I always said her name Ray-uh {you know like it's spelled} instead of Rye-uh {how it is apparently pronounced}. That drove me nuts! But really, I think this one is a good one for the whole family from late toddler upward.
We STILL haven't watched this one. And thank you for clarifying the pronouncing of her name because I've been reading it wrong in my head this whole time.
Looks like a good one!
I am SO excited to watch this with the kids because he seems very Moana-esque and Moana is my favorite Disney movie ever (or, tied with Lion King). Aaron is currently obsessed with dragon novels so he's extra excited. Interesting about the name. I too have been pronouncing it Ray-uh so I'll switch to Rye-uh.
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