Friday, August 23, 2013

Five on Friday

I am doing another 'Five on Friday' post because they are fun for spewing randomness that doesn't really fit into a good post. {grin}


This is happening. Are you kidding me?


I have no work clothes that fit. I'm in a very awkward phase. I actually weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with Drew {yay!} but my hips are still wider and my girls are very big. So I legitimately have 2 shirts, 1 pair of pants and 2 dresses that fit. Thanks to a big sale at Gap, Old Navy and Banana, I got the below 5 items for $90 online! Hopefully it all fits!


Sister's new shoes for school because of the pulling up. I die.

Today is Allison's birthday. Also known as my movie date. She and I have been friends since she moved to ATX before 2nd grade. That is 26 years that we have been friends. I love that we are still friends, so I wanted to give her a shout out today! Happy birthday, friend! We still need to pick a movie!!

You can now understand why my shirts don't fit... {I was BFing Trent when Allison got married.}

This is udderly {tee hee hee} awesome. And hysterical. And super informative. Happy Friday! And...sent to me by my husband!


Anonymous said...

Best blog ever!!!!! Breaking the no work on birthday rule & heading off to Waco, but looking forward to our movie! - Allison

Karen M. Peterson said...

That dress in the first pic is super cute. I hope you love it. And those shoes? Seriously? So adorable.

TheDueittFamily said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and finding me :) Your little girl is adorable! Isn't it fun to compare your baby to others that are around the same age :)